Cute cupcakes, sushi, butterflies, lollipops, and gummy worms... what do they have in common? They're all things you can find at Sanu. I found this store when I was looking for a cute butterfly for my nose, to match my ladybug one I wear. Then I started to notice, they have a lot of cute things that kids enjoy.
Owner, Sanura Sakai, makes items ranging from cupcakes, mouth attachments, shoes, skins, skyboxes, textures, and more. You can fish here too and try to catch her custom fish. Also, I was very happy that she took the time to answer my questions.
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When did you start your business?I started up in October 2008. The first location was a tiny little 10 prim stall for something like 50l per week.How did you name your business? It was hard coming up with a name... I had a lot of ideas. It really came down to the name a few friends frequently called me to seal the deal: whereas other names would all probably be as effective as this one, I felt that Sanu was concise, to the point, gave me a real emotional connection to it and a license to be true to my own personality. The name of the store -is- 'Sanura Sakai', just presented a little shorter!If you can remember, what is the first thing you made? If so, do you still sell it?The first thing I made for the store I do still sell: The 'Inspired Collar' was the first item ever to make it up for sale. I will admit, it is due for a reworking soon due to the change in shine settings as the viewers have progressed. Shine over a flat coloured texture used to produce a beautiful metallic effect - I took it as a wonderful challenge to create gorgeous jewelry which relied primarily on those shine settings. The more recent viewers, however, produce a more flat effect.Whats the most popular item?I honestly couldn't say... I tend to find that things trend up and down, depending on seasonal demand, word of mouth, events, and so forth. If I had to say what I think the most popular group of items in my store are, I'd have to say that the random vendors are a favourite. The random vendors all contain a range of great items at fairly low cost, perfect for yourself or for giving to friends as gifts. It's also great fun to try to collect all the colours and variations!Whats your favorite thing you've made?My Tiniest Bunnehs. It is hard to pick just one favourite, because I love every single thing that I sell. I wouldn't sell it if I didn't! However, simple though they are, I really do love the tiniest bunnehs so so much. Not only are they absolutely adorable (I'm bias, I know) but I see them as a fun and very original concept. They were also done originally just as a personal challenge: to see if I could fit a whole scene into someone's mouth. The 'Rainstorm' Tiniest Bunneh was the first, in case you were curious, but many more have been produced since then - a lot of which are not for sale, but have been available as raffle picks reward prizes in the past.Whats the next thing on your to do list?I have a constant stream of things that I want to create, so I'm not entirely sure which one will be the next to make it into the store! I'll likely be doing some more skins fairly soon, I have some more food items almost ready to go, and a lot of other little bits and pieces. What is next on the list right this second though? Inventory sorting... the bane of my existence.✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

Sanu: Pipe, Butterfly, Earrings, Hamburger, & Mushrooms
✪Pants: NoaR
✪Shirt: (Elephant Outfitters)
✪Hair: Truth